For the Class of 2011, your admissions review falls under the traditional process: GPA, Courses Completed, Extracurricular Activities, Test Scores. The UC system is very clear about what they are looking for in students and have no problem explaining what Comprehensive Review means-even at the individual schools.
For the Class of 2012 and beyond here are some details from the University of California Office of the President that is meant to allow more students become eligible for the UC system:

What are the top factors to be eligible (and competitive)? Academics. Courses. GPA.
Your application will be read, no matter whether you are eligible based on this criteria and your test scores may be less important to the application process, but there is a reason that Academics and GPA are listed first. They are the most important factor when considering admissions.
You can have the most awesome extracurricular profile, but if your GPA doesn't match up then you will already be at a disadvantage when your application is in comprehensive review.
Remember, balance. Show off your best assets and be true to who you are. Trust me, the admissions readers and officers can tell who is genuine and who got help writing their essay.
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